About Us

Introduce about your product, design, or anything else here. You can put max 300 character.

Nunc tortor augue hac duis, sit porta nec montes duis, mid enim rhoncus et vel sed purus. Purus, sed, et odio porta?Enim etiam non integer tempor? Turpis turpis? Adipiscing.

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Friday, May 18, 2012 0 comments
For Raffles Hospital's Corporate DVD design



I am a student waiting for her A level results.

I posses a multitude of personalities and interests. I do graphic design, illustrations, sketching and painting. I read and write during lonely, still nights, bustling jam-packed train & bus rides, gloomy rainy days.

I love football, meaningful movies, vintage, thrifts, travel and quality times. I chuckle to dark comedy, ironies. And the list goes on...

Hello, I am Huey Yun Teo.

Inquistive, avid learner, lover, fighter
/A vagabond in search of truth.

Find me @ Linkedin, Facebook


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 0 comments
Welcome, so this is it. This is my dump where I attempt to post my sketches/graphics and serves as a starting point for me. (in some ways)
Right now, nothing is going to be great here. You will find abundant of failed plans of uncertainty (via blog updates), of sketchy ugly bits, of varying and glaringly different art styles and of finding myself in this huge pool of talented people. I hope I do find it in me. Comments and critiques are greatly welcome! Really, please be generous with the critiques, you see, it helps me to develop my skills!
